Vera Careers
Virtual Visits: Convenience, Connection, And Care
At Vera, we want to make it easy for you to get the care you need. Like in-person appointments, virtual visits are an opportunity to have a meaningful...
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On-Site Clinic Essentials — Issue 2: Benefit Strategy Design
You might think it’s impossible to make personalized healthcare more accessible to your employees and drive down overall healthcare costs. That’s why we created this white paper — to show you what happens when you center your benefit strategy around an onsite clinic.
Your Next Flu Shot: Q&A With Jackie Riddick, MD
Your Vera care center is ready to administer annual flu shots. With COVID-19 impacting our lives in so many ways, is the yearly flu shot still as important as...
Sick Care Is Doomed To Failure
From dedicated care teams to empathetic listening practices, this eBook shows how Vera’s commitment to behavior change unfolds in the real world. Learn about the obstacles patients and providers face when trying to cultivate behavior change in traditional healthcare systems.