Vera Careers
Unlocking The Benefits Of Mindfulness
When all the stress and anxiety of day-to-day living starts to catch up with us, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Stress can become especially difficult during...
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7 LIES We’ve Told Ourselves That Prevent Us From Fixing Healthcare
We constantly talk about fixing healthcare, but we lie to ourselves about what’s driving our system’s flaws. The result is that our self-deception prevents us from seeing what’s really going on, and guarantees we’ll keep making the same mistakes. In this white paper, we take on seven of those mistakes, and the lies that are driving them.
What Combining Connected Navigation With APC Means For Care Teams And Their Patients
There’s a lot going on at Vera these days as we combine with Castlight Health to improve patient health outcomes together. If you’re a member of a Vera care...
Two Truths About Patient Engagement
In this study, we looked at 4,118 participating patients at Seattle Children's over the course of six years. 46% of these patients used the Vera onsite clinic. The remaining 54% did not.