Aaron Martin, V.P. and CDO at Providence St. Joseph Health in Seattle has created a new blueprint for healthcare innovation. The plan is based on innovation strategies that Martin observed during his time as a director at Amazon.
“The U.S. health care industry is experiencing change at a historic pace. Nonetheless, it’s difficult to harness these divergent changes to achieve innovation on a widespread scale. And yet that level of innovation is not only desirable, it’s essential.” — Excerpt from Bringing Amazon-style Innovation to Health CareMartin’s blueprint focuses on the things that matter to patients: lower costs, better outcomes, and a positive experience. At Vera Whole Health, these same principles guide our own efforts.
Why does Martin think Amazon’s strategies will work for healthcare? “They figured out what customer priorities won’t change and then focused only on them, so that everything they do addresses at least one of the customer’s core needs. That way, they don’t need to predict the future. We need to do the same in health care,” says Martin.
Vera also identifies what patients need. Then we deliver on it. We’re partnering with patients to give them the healthcare they deserve and want. Lower costs, better outcomes, and a positive experience; who wouldn’t want that?