HR professionals juggle a laundry list of tasks, not least of which is managing and communicating their organization’s healthcare benefits.
It’s a big job, especially for someone who is not a medical professional. A wide range of services, providers, and health needs further complicates their work when employees don’t understand how to utilize their benefits.
Organizations that use additional wellness services and programs to fill gaps in coverage only add to the burden of HR staff who assume responsibility for managing those programs.
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With each additional point of care, it only gets more challenging to educate employees about using their benefits effectively. And when employees don’t understand their benefits, they’re less likely to use them. The result is a complicated system that overwhelms HR staff and doesn’t benefit employees.
Clear the Clutter with an On- or Near-Site Clinic
An on-site clinic simplifies your benefit strategy and allows HR staff to focus on centralizing coordination of care. By bringing services in-house, a clinic vendor helps employees navigate their benefits program and structure at the point of care.
At an on-site clinic, employees receive all their primary care, as well as health coaching, and free, generic prescriptions filled on site. Clinic vendors work with HR staff to communicate these benefits to employees and may host forums to help educate employees about using their benefits.
With a clear road map for utilization, HR staff can focus more of their attention on promoting engagement. And when employees understand their benefits, they’re more likely to use them. Higher engagement and greater utilization ultimately improves outcomes and reduces costs.
Find out how an on-site clinic can ease the burden of communicating your benefits. Check out our FREE eBook: A Strategic Guide to Planning and Launching an On-Site Clinic.